Stay connected with other syndromic surveillance practitioners by joining the NSSP CoP! Involvement in the NSSP CoP and its related groups is voluntary, free of charge, independent of CSTE membership, and open to any person or organization interested in advancing syndromic surveillance.
Your membership includes:
- Monthly webinars featuring syndromic surveillance experts from across the nation
- Access to more than 2,000 surveillance resources and knowledge-sharing tools through the NSSP CoP Knowledge Repository
- Numerous opportunities for networking and professional growth and career expansion
- Access to a network of syndromic surveillance experts who can be contacted quickly and are eager to provide assistance
- Opportunities to build partnerships, foster collaborations, and share lessons learned with other public health jurisdictions and organizations
Please complete this form to join the NSSP CoP or to update your membership preferences (i.e., to add or remove yourself from a subcommittee/usergroup/workgroup listserv). If you have any questions about joining the NSSP CoP, please email
How to Get Involved
Get involved with the NSSP Community of Practice by attending monthly general and topic-specific NSSP CoP webinars, participating in open forum discussions with other members, working with peers to develop syndromic resources by joining a workgroup, and/or sharing your syndromic work and experiences – the opportunities are endless! Check out upcoming opportunities to engage with our community on the NSSP CoP Call Calendar.
See below for more information about NSSP CoP-related subcommittees, workgroups, and user groups. To join any of the open groups, sign up or update your group preferences here. If you have any questions about these groups, email

The NSSP Community of Practice At-Large
The NSSP CoP promotes knowledge sharing, training, innovation, and timely exchange of syndromic surveillance data among state and local public health agencies and partners. Submit call topic suggestions here. |
| The Core Committee is a member-elected body constituted of volunteer CoP members representing state, tribal, local, and territorial public health jurisdictions. Comprised of the Chair, Deputy Chair, and Subcommittee Co-Chairs, the NSSP CoP Core Committee champions the community, encourages participation in CoP activities, and acts as a sounding board for ideas from CDC NSSP and CSTE. Representatives of CSTE and CDC NSSP participate in Core Committee meetings. Meetings of the Core Committee are closed, but members are encouraged to communicate any syndromic surveillance-related concerns to Core Committee members for Core Committee consideration and discussion. |
Fostering relationships between all groups involved in syndromic data messaging, the Data Quality Subcommittee works to identify and address syndromic data quality issues through thoughtful discussion and inclusion of outside stakeholders. |
| The Syndrome Definition Subcommittee creates, evaluates, and refines syndrome definitions, links users with similar syndrome definition needs, and documents these processes. Acting as a collaboration resource, the group shares and discusses syndrome definition creation best practices. |
| Helping to integrate syndromic surveillance data and information into emergency preparedness and response activities, SPHERR provides syndromic surveillance and public health preparedness professionals access to a national peer network for support and collaboration during incidents and events of national interest (e.g., extreme weather, mass gatherings). |
| Provide useful alerting algorithms and other analytics tools to syndromic surveillance practitioners and improve the efficiency of these practitioners for daily and investigation and response. |
| The Technical Subcommittee facilitates and improves bi-directional communication between CDC NSSP and the syndromic surveillance community to ensure that data management, analysis, visualization, and reporting needs are met. |
| The KR Curation Subcommittee reviews and curates the NSSP CoP Knowledge Repository. Recently convened – more information to be shared soon! |
| The Data Sharing Workgroup aims to 1) establish protocol for evaluating NSSP data questions, 2) evaluate individual data requests, 3) develop resources to assist in syndromic data sharing, 4) share lessons learned and best practices, and 5) advance community discussions regarding CDC-managed public use datasets. |
| The Training Workgroup is set out to 1) review existing syndromic surveillance education and training resources, 2) identify gaps in syndromic surveillance training, and 3) make recommendations regarding the types of training needed to fill identified gaps. |
| The Race and Ethnicity Data Quality Improvement Workgroup provides a space for discussion and technical support to improve data quality (completeness and correctness) for race and ethnicity data fields. |
User Groups
| The NSSP ESSENCE User Group provides NSSP ESSENCE updates to its members and answers community questions on NSSP ESSENCE-specific functions and features. |
| The NSSP R User Group provides NSSP R updates to its members and answers community questions on NSSP R-specific functions and features. |
The Best Practices Compendium Workgroup is working to document best practices related to day to day use and interpretation of syndromic surveillance data. |
| The purpose of the proposed Machine Learning for Topical Query Development workgroup is to establish the near-term and mid-term roles of machine learning tools in the creation, development, and refinement of queries for monitoring of current population health concerns. |
Aley Joseph
Communicate with the Community

Request Access to the NSSP Community of Practice Slack Workspace
Through its facilitation of the NSSP CoP, CSTE supports and moderates the NSSP Community of Practice Slack Workspace. The Slack Workspace is a communication tool and collaboration platform for advancing syndromic surveillance practice. Use it to easily share information with peers, plan projects, and accelerate data analyses. Reap the benefits of collectively working with health scientists at CDC, other federal agencies, and with state, territorial, local, and tribal (STLT) public health departments – all using NSSP’s BioSense Platform!
Are you interested in speaking with other syndromic surveillance experts across the country? Are you affiliated with a federal agency (FTE or contractor) or STLT health department? If yes to both, this space is designed for YOU! Submit your request to join here.
Note: The NSSP Community of Practice Slack Workspace will not be used to communicate to or with members of the public.